Saturday, July 15, 2017

Devine Invention - a short story

This is a short story I recently penned for the Golden Pen competition, a friendly one on one short story contest in a community of writers. Just under 1500 words, this was done in freewriting style. Hope you enjoy it! 

* warning - graphic content

Devine Invention

The living room wall was a bookshelf, recessed, no space left unfilled. The Zodiac Killer, Helter Skelter: The Manson Murders, Ted Bundy: The Stranger Beside Me, Inside the Mind of John Wayne Gacy, and dozens more serial killer biographies alongside abnormal psychology, human genetics, and anatomy textbooks. The rows of books were flush, perfect, precise in alignment. There was one exception— a book pulled forward several inches to serve as a bookmark: Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species.

A peg board, six feet long and eight feet wide, opposite the bookshelf and to the right of the ocean-facing window of the beach cottage, displayed a collage of newspaper clippings. Headlines from across the nation covered every inch of the board, domestic homicides to mass shootings to robberies gone wrong, genetic oddities, and various research developments in various fields of biology. Some dated as far back as the 80s and were yellowing at the edges. Crime scenes printed from the internet on photo paper were added in what appeared a chaotic fashion, but when viewed from afar in its entirety, it created a rhythmic flow like the breath of a living being. A macabre collection with a pretense of tranquility. Her masterpiece.

Julia pinned an article from the Daily Post to the center of the board:

Missing Child Found Dead
Police Hunting the Southland Slasher

The headline was large, bold, black lettering; the picture, medics carrying a sagging bodybag, full color but a touch blurry. She stepped back to admire her design. A soft smile lit up her face. “Excellent,” she whispered to herself.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

G. Dean Manuel - Author Spotlight

This week's author spotlight is on G. Dean Manuel, an amazing writer, a great friend, an all around awesome guy.  His work is fluid and graceful. His personality, warm, charming, and witty.  I have yet to read a story that doesn't impress me with its genius or have a conversation with him that doesn't make me smile.

G. Dean Manuel

Q. Where are you from? 
A. Originally, I was born in Subic Bay, Philippines, on a naval base, but now I reside in the state of Confusion. It is right next to the state of Misery... Some people call it Kansas. 

Q. Which genre(s) do you write? Which do you read? 
A. I write all genres really, except nonfiction. Not really good there. I mainly focus on fantasy /scifi... I like my head in the clouds. 

Q. What is the first thing you remember writing? 
A. "A Unicorn Day"  It was a book made of glue and construction paper with the most horrendous drawings. It was all about the fast in the life of a unicorn named Henry. 

Q. What inspires you? 
A. I draw inspiration from many things. Almost everything. I got one whole listening to a song by Lindsey Stirling called "Shatter Me." A different story was based off another of her videos, "Take Flight," but I draw from many sources. Life. Life is my inspiration. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

I'm in the Spotlight

Is been a bit minute since I've posted; I've been neck deep in writing projects and competitions, and edit until you bleed groups. Valid excuses for non delivery. I will be getting back into the swing of things soon.

In the meantime, I find myself in the spotlight on a blog. An amazing and gifted writer friend (they are the best kind)

Therefore, I am only here to share. Want to know me? Want to see my crazy? Well it comes out naturally when answering questions at 3am while delusionally tired...

Jen Snow, Author Spotlight