Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Archaic Word(s) (A-D) Poem Contest

English Oxford Dictionary defines archaic words as those ‘no longer in everyday use or have lost a particular meaning in current usage but are sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavour to historical novels, for example, or in standard conversation or writing just for a humorous effect.’

Some are fancy, floral, roll off the tongue with all the lyrical elegance and sophistication of an eighteenth century philosopher. Some are just damn goofy. No in between.

This contest has two options. Below those options is the list of words to choose from. Have fun with this one :)

Option One: Use as many archaic words as possible in a poem… without looking up the definition! Use each word only as you think it should be used.

Option Two: Choose one word. That's the title. First stept, use the association you have for the word, what you think it means, to write a poem. Second step, focus on the archaic meaning to add  to your poem, but don't erase anything written. 

Hint: I'll probably publish every single entry so long as directions are followed

abroad, ague, bedlam, billow, blow, 
camelopard, corse, crankum,

dandiprat, dark, dot, doxy, drab

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