Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Author Spotlight — Riya Zach

Monthly Choice Award Winner

by Maria Zach

How did the prompt inspire your story?
The idea that somebody else controls my life - I've always found that scary. I guess I have this innate desire to be in control at all times. At the same time, I've no wish to know what's next; I like the unpredictability of life.

  • What genre(s) do you write?
I've dabbled in Fantasy, SciFi, Crime, Horror and Romance. I say dabbled because I find it hard to draw lines and place my work into boxes.
I've mixed Crime and Paranormal; SciFi and Romance. I find a lot of enjoyment in mixing genres.

  • Which do you prefer to write: short stories, poetry, novellas, novels, essays, nonfiction… ?
When I started, I wrote mainly nonfiction and poetry. Since then, I've written short stories, flash fiction and nonfiction.
I've started on a longer piece now. I don't know yet whether it'll be a novella or a novel.

  • What genre(s) do you read?
Everything. Every fucking thing that I can get my hands on. But my (current) favorites are fantasy and speculative fiction.

  • What made you want to become a writer?
I hold conversations with imaginary people. I have imaginary conversations with real people.
Every. Single. Day.

My imagination has helped me through a lot. I developed that from the books I read as a child and young adult.

Initially, I just wanted to get the voices out of my head. Now, I'd like to share the gift of imagination with other people.

  • What is your first memory of writing?
I have no first memory of writing. But the first time I thought of myself as a writer was as late as 2013.

  • What and /or Who inspires you to write?
The imaginary people - they need an outlet!

  • What is your favorite book?
Too many favorites.
Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, A Town Like Alice, Water for Elephants, Letter from Peking, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Rebecca - to name a few.

  • What do you look for in a book?
Realistic characters. Suspense.

  • What turns you away from a book?
A weak opening doesn't necessarily turn me away. I like to give the book the benefit of the doubt so I try to make it through the first 2k-3k words before giving it up.
But bad grammar and obvious plot holes are an instant turnoff; they tell me that the author is not interested in their readers.

  • Who is your favorite author(s)?
Jane Austen, George Orwell, J.K.Rowling, Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, Shirley Jackson, Paulo Coelho, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis

  • Are you a published writer? If so, what have you published? If not, are you planning to publish or is writing simply for pleasure?
Like I said before, initially it was all for pleasure. Recently, I've started looking at publishers. I've sent out a couple of poems, a flash or two. Besides Scribblers Chamber and 121words, I've received only one other acceptance so far.

Read Riya Zach's story:
My Life, I Author

And remember... Write like it's criminal! 

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