Friday, May 5, 2017

Books About Abuse

I am a survivor. I'm still in therapy, which has ramped up lately due to a particular repressed memory being triggered. How it was triggered, I haven't a clue, but it caused me to start writing with frenzy, grasping a reality of time zooming past me. Weeks felt like days, days like hours, hours slipped from under my finger before I was aware I was trying to hold them in place. The clock is ticking louder.

Write write wrote wow edit edit edit delete delete, the memory flooded my mind, swallowed it whole. I became obsessed. Somehow I had opened a door the can't be closed until the story is done, until I've cleansed myself from the memory completely. My mind lost control, bended and twisted, tiny chunks broke and washed away in the flood waters.

Then I paused. Is therapy making me sicker? 

I've concluded some memories are not to be explored. They are locked away for a reason.

It's time to leave the pen on the table, a damn difficult task I'll admit, and engross myself in a book instead. Oddly, I find comfort in the miles of blood spilled onto pages by others that have walked a path not far from own.

Some may think profiting from another's pain is exploitation. There is an argument there, can't deny it. However, I feel there's far more weight on the on the other side of the coin:  Awareness.

I have an interest for a different reason altogether – assuring my sanity. I need verification I'm not alone, that what I'm going through, what I struggle with daily, is normal for an abuse survivor, that I'm not crazy.

Following are the books I chose. I will post a review of each when finished. You know, in case my opinion matters to anyone 😄


Hush: Moving from Silence to Healing After Childhood Sexual Abuse
By: Nicole Braddock Bromley

Childhood sexual abuse is running rampant, yet it's the best kept secret in our nation today. Its victims grow into adulthood with their little child's heart trapped in the pain and torment of their past. Nicole Braddock Bromley shares her own story and the steps to moving from silence to healing. Hush exposes the harsh realities of childhood abuse, explains the pain it causes, examines the false beliefs it creates, and empowers survivors to begin a personal journey toward healing by breaking the silence.

With words of understanding and comfort, Nicole tells the real-life stories of those whose voices would otherwise never be heard. She is straightforward enough to pierce the hearts of those in a survivor's circle of influence, yet careful to tread lightly on what could be tender words.

Reader Review
"As a survivor myself, I immediately felt a heart connection with Nicole like no other author I've read on this trajic subject. I found myself nodding my head throughout the whole book, identifying with the many horrific sins done to us at the hands of those we trusted."

By: Victoria Spry

As a child, Victoria Spry was brutally beaten, neglected, and starved by the woman she called Mummy. To the outside world Eunice Spry was a devoted parent, but behind closed doors she was an evil tyrant. Instead of protecting, loving, and caring for Victoria, she forced bleach and urine down her throat, knocked out her teeth, tied her up naked, and made her live in squalor. It took 18 years of heartache and despair before she found the courage to expose her mum.Tortured is Victoria’s gripping story of survival.

Reader Review
"Horrible is not a strong enough word to describe the life Victoria had... It's very heartbreaking, not for those with a queasy stomach. But at the same time people need to know this sort of thing goes on and that they need to speak up if things look suspicious in a family home..."

Taking Flight
By: Donna Faye

Stella di Imbrogliado has always made the most of bad situations – but when her life takes a major detour and her loved-ones betray her, she reroutes her journey altogether. With nothing left to lose, she departs her old life by enlisting in the U.S. Air Force.

In this bizarre new world where orders are shouted, showers are a social event, and sweat is the ultimate beauty aid, she taps her unimagined strength and begins to see that her worst day may have been the biggest blessing of her life.

Then there’s Gabe McCreary, a wounded warrior who is battling post traumatic stress, missing home, and adjusting to his changed physique – moving forward seems to be his biggest battle yet.

When their lives collide, the draw is instant. Despite their turbulent histories and enough baggage to ground an airliner, they just work. Through night terrors, a temporary duty assignment, and her unfortunate vomiting spell they learn how to laugh and live again.

Reader Review
"You know how you read a good book and days/weeks later the characters pop back into your head and you are wondering what they are up too... Well yeah, this book does that!"

Audio version coming soon. 

Incandescent Mind: Issue One, Summer 2016
Sadie Girl Press. Featured Author: K. N. Johnson

K. N. Johnson's flash fiction piece, Namesake, is about her struggle as a teen witnessing a close family member's breakdown after she stopped taking her medication for bipolar disorder.

Happy reading!

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