Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Microfiction Contest Winners

The Sacrifice
by Danielle Nolan

Miserably, Gerald watched the other children dressed up for Halloween. This year, he had no costume. There would be no ringing of doorbells, no scaring, no spooky houses to scream in, and worst of all: no candy!

"Mom! I'm done visiting Gerry. I want to collect candy, now!"

"We'll leave shortly, Cody," promised his mother, but that answer wasn't good enough.

"I want my candy!" Cody screamed before mysteriously falling silent.

A wind whistled through the cemetery. Gerald didn't feel bad about making Cody sleep. Bratty Cody could skip this Halloween. It was a small sacrifice. At least it was better than being dead.

"Alright, honey. Let's go."

Gerald smiled in his little brother's vampire costume and took his mothers hand.

Stay Out! 
by Melody Fisher

Don’t enter that house!
It’s haunted, don’t you know?
Filled with spooky sounds,
orbs that growl and glow.

That lady descending the stairs
pointing towards the door,
died from a bullet
in nineteen thirty-four.

The corpse in the bathtub
shot her with his gun,
then drowned himself
when he saw what he had done.

The baby in the attic
heard every night,
endlessly cries
until the morning light.

The bride lounging on the bed
waits for her groom—
He's hanging by his neck
in the doorway of the room.

That boy in the closet
will never realize,
he's covered in dried blood,
and a swarm of buzzing flies.

This creepy house
boasts a violent history—
angry, frustrated ghosts,
and unsolved mystery.

I Cut You Down
by Holly Nicholls

‘I cut you down, remember?' He asked the inky abyss. Only his voice echoed back, distorted and demonic.

The prison guard had chosen to revisit the state prison. For many years it remained unmanned. Even as he walked alone, he felt eyes on him. Watching. Waiting.

He remembered all the tortures, all the death and suicide that took place here, feeling like the events had absorbed into the walls as though they were sponges.

His footsteps crunched on broken glass, and his flashlight traced along the crumbling walls. It was empty, as usual, but he wasn't alone. They watched.

As he turned, his flashlight traced the outline of two feet, hanging five inches off the ground, swaying in the still air.

Last Night
by Maria Zach

As always, I woke up to my phone alarm. I rolled over to switch off the alarm, expecting cold hard metal. Instead, I touched flesh.

I jerked my hand back. Somebody was in bed next to me.

The alarm stopped. Hardly daring to breathe, I listened. Silence except for the pounding of my own heart. Whoever, whatever was next to me was not breathing.

Realizing it was still pitch black, I groped for the lamp switch and flicked it.


A scream was building in my chest. I struggled to hold it in. Slowly, soundlessly, I edged off the bed.

I ran to the doorway, nearly tripping over myself, and switched on the lights. I turned back towards the bed.


Happy Halloween 2017

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